
Designer Behind the Brand

Anna Tsigaridou, originating from the captivating Island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean, infuses her work with a fusion of culture and creativity. Inspired by the island's rich landscapes and traditions, her designs reflect a deep connection to her roots and a dedication to craftsmanship and innovation.

t•Ana Couture, flourished as a result of her inner revolution and personal exploration. It reflects her holistic approach to life and commitment to positively influencing our perception of the world. By embracing love, kindness, and holistic principles, she creates authentic art that embodies serenity, consciousness, and fulfillment. Through her paintings, designs, and material choices, she conveys a spiritual understanding and awareness in the realm of fashion.

✨Welcome to Our Art & Design Fashion World✨

  • Childhood | Teen Years

    The love for art and design has always coursed through my very being. Immersed in the captivating world of artistic expression, I possess an innate ability to perceive and celebrate uniqueness. My personal odyssey into the realm of fashion, beauty and inspiration commenced at an early age, igniting a lifelong passion.

    During my youth, I discovered a knack for fashion as a means to possess my personal identity, and nurtured it by designing and crafting distinctive clothes for my outings. Utilizing my own creative vision and premium fabrics, I collaborated with skilled seamstresses to bring my unique designs to life.

  • Higher Education

    My educational pursuits led me to explore the realms of Art & Design, with a particular emphasis on Fashion Design. Additionally, I took Beauty Specialization as a means of obtaining an income. Throughout my studies in beauty, I found myself irresistibly drawn to the artistic side of this field. From indulging in nail art to perfecting professional make-up techniques, I immersed myself in the art of tattooing on body and face - both permanent and semi-permanent. Additionally, I ventured with other techniques in this field, like Microblading, further expanding my skillset.

  • Adulthood

    My pursuit of fashion dreams and the establishment of my brand were met with significant challenges, which taught me to unconditional love life in all its facets and experiences. Driven by a desire for holistic healing in mind, body, and spirit, I found myself inspired to embark on a profound journey of self-exploration. Along this transformative path, I uncovered a wealth of inner passions and values waiting to be expressed, beautifully weaving them into the realms of art and fashion. This in turn, has been one of my biggest motivators in advancing my brand philosophy. These experiences taught me invaluable life lessons and reminded me of the extraordinary power within to never stop learning and experimenting; thus incorporating and expressing these values into all my creations.

  • Recreating & Expanding our Brand Awareness

    Being an eco-conscious and ethically-driven fashion designer, I am dedicated to building my brand name around these values. Starting as a small business, I constantly seek ways to expand brand awareness through eco-friendly and sustainable solutions. By doing so, I aim to create a substantial impact on a wider audience, generating awareness and inspiring them towards a conscious lifestyle.

    With a commitment to achieving our goals and giving back to the Earth, t•Ana Couture is currently exploring opportunities with manufacturers who specialize in supplying sustainable, environmentally friendly, and recyclable raw materials. These materials will be integrated into our production line to create new fashion items, including handbags, accessories, and clothing.

    Any potential suppliers are welcome to contact us.

Business Collaborations

For any business affiliation, collaboration, guest posts; other blogger or influencer posts, experts in the sustainable fashion industry. We are open to welcome and/or provide diverse perspectives and insights on eco-friendly style.

Contact us