New Moon Vibes 🌚

New Moon Vibes 🌚

New Moon Energy

New moon time is the perfect time to physically, mentally and spiritually cleanse, and replenish yourself for greater balance!

This new moon is all about healing and releasing. Let go of what doesn’t serve you and make space for new fresh energy in your life. It's time to stop allowing your past to define your future.
It stimulates a 
transformative process that will help you to be reborn. Allow things to flow into existence. 

The New Moon represents new beginnings as it's the perfect time to plant seeds for the future.

It signifies the beginning of a cycle; a cosmic reset! The new moon is an ideal time to set clear intentions and goals.

In addition, the New Moon represents the divine feminine which is also associated with enlightenment, illumination, our conscious and subconscious.

The power of the New Moon heightens the manifesting power of your intentions and desires.

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